Bi-weekly Newsletter from KCG
May 16th - 31st, 2014


  Introduction: The bi-weekly newsletter from Kent Consultancy Group (KCG) is dedicated to share our news and best practices on serving customers as a top tier educational consulting firm. It is designed to assist you to understand more about the value propositions and mission of KCG.



威廉姆斯最大的优点; 学校总是日新月异。如果哪天我突然想家了,那么我可以告诉你此时我对威廉姆斯感觉最棒的事就是在学校这个亲密的圈子里能得到安慰。如果我刚收集完水生有机物从实验室里出来或者在课堂上揭示了一首诗的十种不同的诠释方式。那么这将是作为“牛人”绝对最棒的部分,在课堂上大放异彩,享受自己的高光时刻(也可能是在课堂外,这取决于是什么类型的课程)。如果我能够花些时间去欣赏这紫色山谷所展现出来的美丽色彩,无疑我会坚信学校的地理位置是威廉姆斯学院最酷的部分。此类优点,不胜枚举。然而,威廉姆斯学院最令人惊叹的是, 无论我今天过得是否开心,我都能够在这里和与我志趣相投并同样充满热情的人一起共度时光。

家乡:佛罗里达 迈阿密
经历:黑人学生联合会秘书, "森林邻居"项目协调员,"桥梁" 负责人,西班牙语辅导老师, 非洲文献研究研究助理,招生代表,招生办导游

家乡:德克萨斯州 康偌尔
威廉姆斯的最大的优点:社区。 这里的学生, 员工, 教工在生活的方方面面都是发自内心的去关心和体谅你。当然他们这样做丝毫不影响你的独立性。在上大学之前,我是个对被冠以教授头衔的人心怀敬畏的学生。 现在我真是将我的教授当朋友一样,这确实难以置信。

家乡:宾夕法尼亚州 伯利恒
威廉姆斯的最大的优点 当第一次踏进校园,我感受有一种很强烈的社区归属感。从徒步旅行,在登山节那一天喝着热苹果汁到在图书馆找到我的最喜爱的读书学习的格子间,我已经完全融入威廉姆斯了。这个地方无论是在社交方面还是学术方面都成为了我的归属地。而且我们的吉祥物是一直很凶猛的紫色奶牛,这很酷。

  To Know Williams, Ask an Eph

The “Ask an Eph” from the Williams College (1st in ranking) is very valuable for many Chinese students who are applying to US colleges and universities. They provide direct resources and coaching services from well trained current students. They will help you to know Williams better. So, as information sharing, we posted related information here for your reference and hope it helps.

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Major: Psychology and a concentration in environmental studies
Activities: Peer Health treasurer, Admission Office tour guide
E-mail address; askaneph04@williams.edu
Best thing about Williams: It varies from day to day. If a sudden wave of homesickness has washed over me then I will tell you that my favorite thing about Williams College is the comfort I find in the close community here. If I have just come from a lab in which I collected stream-dwelling organisms or a class in which I have uncovered ten different interpretations of a poem, then I will declare that the absolute best part about being an Eph is the time is my time in the classroom (or out of it, depending on the class). If I’ve spent some time admiring the pretty hues of the purple valley then I will no doubt insist that our location is the coolest part of the Williams College experience. I could go on and on. However, the most amazing thing about being at Williams, regardless of what my day has been like, is that I can share my time here with people who view our experiences with the same appreciation and enthusiasm as I do.

Hometown: Miami, Florida
Major: Arabic and history
Activities: Black Student Union secretary, Wood Neighborhood programming coordinator, Bridges leader, Spanish peer tutor, Africana studies research assistant, Admissions ambassador, Admission Office tour guide.
E-mail address: askaneph10@williams.edu
Best thing about Williams: Knowing I have the support to accomplish anything I set my mind to. At Williams I can discuss potential projects with my peers, bounce ideas off of professors, and set up meetings with administrators without a hassle. Everyone is so willing to listen, advise, and contribute to my endeavors, which has been extremely encouraging, and I could not be any more grateful for all the support. Williams prioritizes its students and goes to great lengths to help us reach our goals. Even small gestures, like coffee in the morning with my Arabic professor or dinner at my advisor’s house to discuss my experience so far, make Williams the gem of the Purple Valley.

Hometown: Conroe, Texas
Major: Chemistry
Activities: Gospel Choir, Williams College Gates Millennium Scholar, chemistry research assistant and Math and Science Resource Center tutor
E-mail address: askaneph06@williams.edu
Best thing about Williams: The community. The students, staff, and faculty here are genuinely kind, caring, and concerned about almost every aspect of your life. They do so without infringing upon your independence, too. Before college, I was that student intimidated by the title “Professor.” Now, I truly consider some of my professors to be friends, which I find astounding.

Name: Niha
Hometown: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Major: Political science and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies
Activities: South Asian Students Association, Baxter Fellow, Bridges leader, Admission Office tour guide
E-mail address:askaneph07@williams.edu
Best thing about Williams: The incredible sense of community that I felt as soon as I stepped on campus for the first time. From hiking and drinking hot cider on Mountain Day to finding my favorite monkey carrel in the library, I have immersed myself in Williams, and this place that has become my home socially and academically. Plus, our mascot is a ferocious purple cow…that’s pretty cool.
[Sources from Williams College.]

  Thank you for your time!  
  For more information, please feel free to contact us:  
  Shenzhen Kent Consultancy Co. Ltd.  
  地址: 中国广东省深圳市南山区海德三道海岸城东座1507  
  Add:1507,Eastern Block,Coastal Building,Third Haide Road.Nanshan District,Shenzhen,Guangdong Province,P.R.China  
  P.C. : 518054              Tel : 86270330              Fax : 86270377  
  http://www.kentcg.com      Email : Xiaohong.qian@kentcg.com